2023 in Review!

2023 was fun, wasn’t it?

Let’s get the negative out of the way:

I still haven’t finished Satan’s Salesman 2 or Broken Nights 3. Those have been waiting for my flitting interest to catch up to them. Sequels are painful, in that I get so excited to try something new that revisiting the old tends to slow me down. When I can turn the old new-again, the sequels explode and take off. They will happen someday, and I am hoping that its this year, but I make no promises.

Additionally, I more or less slowed down using Twitter right after Musk bought it. Less because he bought it and more because I don’t feel it works. The problem with a lot of the marketing “stuff” that authors need to do to be successful requires a full-time job level of consistency and effort, of which, I already have a full-time job, and am already behind on writing projects. My mentality has been that if I cannot commit to making the constant posts to make Twitter an effective tool, then why do it at all. This has led to me mostly just being a source of retweets.

Now the great stuff!

Out of a 52 week month, I made 45 posts last year. Not exactly every week, but damn fine work, I believe.

My name was attached to 4 new published titles. One new novel (Wicked West: A LitRPG Western), and three anthologies (Eldritch Prisoners, Eldritch Investigations, and Tales of Nyarlathotep). That breaks down to three new Andrew Doran stories.

My publisher and myself have published 5 audiobooks with Crossroad Press publishing Andrew Doran at the Mountains of Madness, Eldritch Prisoners, Tales of Nyarlathotep, and Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101, while I worked independently with Ren Henry to produce Wicked West: A LitRPG Western.

AND! We got a republishing (with a new story from author C.T. Phipps!) of Time Loopers.

I even had my largest royalty check, to date, in November!

There were a lot of roadblocks to writing this year, but I think I navigated them well and thoroughly appreciate that none of my followers called me out on missing a week or three when things started to pile up. Every week might not always happen, but I will always be producing art.

On the personal side, this was the year my daughter turned five, we both discovered an interest in roller skating, and my wife and I began our globe-trotting adventures (we went to Spain!) and celebrated 11 years of marriage. We are proud of each other and our family and so proud of all the effort each of us puts into who we are as developing humans and as parents trying to guide a child into this weird world.

What’s next?

Right out of the gate we’ve got Andrew Doran and the Masks of Flesh getting ready to go to the anthology “Tales of Hastur” or whatever name they end up choosing. Then I’ve got a Ghoul story about the origins of Ghouls that I was originally going to make not an Andrew Doran story, but then David, my bro that writes the Harry Stubbs stories, made an off-handed comment about Andrew Doran and the Origin of the Ghouls, and that rocked my world. Now Andrew is at an Antiquities sale trying to intercept a device that might lead to the secret origin of the Ghoul species!

After that? I have no set plans but certain things do need to happen.

  • Andrew Doran book 4 is still in the works. I’ll probably need to figure out how to fit that in between all the anthology stories he’s got coming out. Or maybe skip book 4 for now and focus on those. I don’t actually like that idea, but I don’t hate it either.
  • Wicked West 2 is going to happen. That book had a great first month and a hit or miss follow-up in the next months, but I’m a firm believer that if you want people to buy your old stuff you have to write new stuff. Besides, that cliff-hanger even had me in suspense.
  • Annual promise to someday finish SS2 and BN3.
  • Miskatonic University is also ripe for a sequel. Per my previous statement of “Sequels are painful” this one will at least be fleshed out before year end.
  • More journaling. My wife said something very interesting this year and it sent my head into a tailspin of revelation. She said “You get grumpy when you haven’t been writing.” It’s likely a common situation with people of an artistic mindset, but I couldn’t get over how I had never noticed. So, as a means of dealing with that and maybe as a little self-therapy, I will be trying to journal more. It is difficult for me to not write for an audience, so a few of those entries might end up on the Patreon if they are writing-related or anecdotal.
  • Maybe something new…?

I am probably forgetting a project that I am super excited about, but that’s the thing about this list: It’s a “shrug, might happen,” list. I am going to keep writing, and keep making my art (which, this year saw me spin a little bit back toward charcoal drawings). A friend of mine, the late Dan Amsden, would write 300 words a day, every day. It was a small amount that, at the time, made me feel as though he wasn’t working as quickly as he could be. As I have wizened with age, my mind has shifted and 300 words a day might be smarter than 3000 words every two months. Building the habit, the consistency, and the pride in even the small accomplishments might be how to better attack my lack of persistent consistency.

In short, I am excited as hell about this year in writing, my daughter’s 6th year, and my continued adventures with my wife as we enter our 12th year of love, friendship, and defeating our enemies in the kindest ways possible.

Good luck everyone! 2024 is for us.

Oh, and I turn 40 in a week. So, I have that going for me.

This post is also up on the Patreon. Go there, subscribe, and get way more of me than I put on WordPress. For $1/month, you get things like free ebooks, audiobooks, and more. You’re really missing out on having an author that puts out new stuff to read almost weekly.

Review: The Fall of Supervillainy by C.T. Phipps

Review: “The Fall of Supervillainy” by C.T. Phipps

“The Fall of Supervillainy” by C.T. Phipps is the rollercoaster of excitement and unexpected twists in time-travel and/or parallel universes that I have come to expect from the author’s style. He’s set us up to be presented with new ways to see our anti-hero tortured and rewarded, and each new twist in this book gives us more of what we originally showed up for.

Set in a world where our heroically anti-heroic Gary finds himself balancing parenthood, custody days, being a supervillain, and somehow kind of still being a superhero, we begin to see more of the repercussions of rewriting reality. Between the supervillainy being a profession going out of style and a new Nanoplague killing people with super genes, everyone is blaming Gary for something. The good news is that he can save the world! Again! But he’s gotta be a villain to do it!

I have said it in past reviews of Supervillainy books, as well as most of Phipps’ books, that his character arcs are the best part and however many books in we are, Phipps doesn’t disappoint. Gary is still dealing with his unwavering issue of not letting those he loves die and self-sacrificing at the same time, but now it’s to protect what he’s built versus what he thinks he doesn’t deserve. From that, we also see that Gary is never as alone as he always seems to think he is.

Phipps skillfully raises questions about the nature of power, the ethics of heroism, and the blurred lines between good and evil, all with a happy helping of time-travel and farewell orgies! This is the standard fare for a Phipps novel, but to apply that to a spousal situation that you need a flowchart to follow and the opportunity to kill multiple Hitlers makes this for an exciting read with both situational humor and problems for Gary to deal with.

C.T. Phipps’ descriptive prose brings the world of supervillainy to life, making it easy to imagine the battles, secret lairs, and intricate plot twists as if they were unfolding on a cinematic screen. Or, perhaps with the awesome edition of the character’s playlists this would be better privately listening in your favorite place to rock out.

“The Fall of Supervillainy” serves as a thrilling continuation of the larger universe Phipps has created and served the purpose most of us keep coming back for. More Cind- err, I mean More Gary!

Wicked West, First Draft Finished!

I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 months writing my first LitRPG, or GamerLit, story.

With much huzzah, I can now say that the first draft is completed! I’m reviewing it now and will have it in front of the editor by the end of the month. If you’re interested in giving the unedited draft a read, it’s dropping in its entirety on the patreon in the next few weeks ( http://patreon.com/matthewdavenport ) and slowly over the next few months it is dropping for free on Royal Road!


I can’t wait to hear what you think!!

NaNoWriMo is Over!

Good day to you! How have you been?

I’ve been quiet, but unlike the last 20 years I’ve been blogging, I’m going to not apologize for it at all. I’ve split my time between this blog and my Patreon (https://patreon.com/matthewdavenport). This has actually been great news, as I’ve been producing way more than previously.

To that point, NaNoWriMo, by my own standards, was a huge success. Wicked West is 16 chapters deep, and while I didn’t hit the magical NaNoWriMo 50k words, I kicked its ass. The 50k only didn’t happen because I got sick around Thanksgiving, but I didn’t stop being busy.

Along with the Patreon, I’ve started an account over at Royal Road to help drive business toward my Patreon. While I post the Wicked West chapters every Wednesday on Patreon, I only post the chapters monthly over on Royal Road. That being said, if you don’t want to sign up for the Patreon, here’s the Royal Road link so that you can see if a Western LitRPG is something you might be interested in! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/55752/wicked-west-a-litrpg-western

Additionally, you can get your copies (physical and digital) of Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101, following 5 teenagers who learn that being the chosen one doesn’t always make you the hero.

I’ve been discouraged lately by the lack of movement on my titles, but don’t fret, I will never stop writing and pushing the works out. Mostly, my discouragement motivates me, and I’m currently looking at other ways to keep things moving and get new eyes on my stuff. I took a break from signings when my daughter was born. Now, I’m thinking that 2023 needs to see me do at least one or two more and get back into the swing of things. That won’t be the big fix that I’m looking for, but it will at least get me in front of some of my audience and I look forward to that.

Podcasts and interviews are a blast as well, and I’m looking to do much more of those in the future. I just did one over at Innsmouth Book Club and it was a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to going back on the show when they have me next.

Listen to that here!

Additionally, Andrew Doran is far from done with his adventures and I am currently working on one for an upcoming anthology with those same Captains of Cthulhu mythos that I was working with in Tales of the Al-Azif.

Coming out in February is Eldritch Prisoners, where I finally got do some work with the always amazing David Conyers. His Harrison Peele Universe is great fun and the fact that Peele is in a book that includes a Doranverse story (although, no Andrew, sorry), made my milennium!

That’s the update for the blog. If you want more, go check out my Patreon or Royal Road.


Winnie the Eldritch Horror

I saw this post on Facebook and decided I had to do something about it. Please enjoy:

No description available.

23 years ago, I made a tragic error. You might say I wasn’t to blame, an ignorant child with a wild imagination. No one in their right mind would blame me.

Except I blame me.

Perhaps I am not in my right mind, although, I have wondered about that for years.

They called it the Hundred Acre Woods even though it was well over that by more than double. It was believed that centuries ago it had been named the most generic name possible to hide a deadly secret.

My parents didn’t care what I did during the days as long as I went to school and was home by dinner and it was on such a fateful evening that I heard the voice whispering from the Hundred Acre Woods.

Before then, the woods and I had never crossed paths. The fastest route to school was the path at the north side of the property and the woods themselves were dark and a terrifying place for a child’s imagination.

Children know things, even when they do not listen.

The whisper sounded urgent, almost scared, and I was not one to leave someone alone in the dark. Dropping my bag at the edge of the forest, and bringing only my small yellow bear, I climbed several sticks and teetered my way toward the sound.

The tree was dark and looked older than anything I knew of. The age of things was beyond me, but even in my diminutive years I could tell that this tree was unique. For reasons that I still do not understand, I began to refer to it as the First Tree.

Owl would choose to live in the First Tree.

The hole in the base of the tree was where the voice was coming from and this close I still could not make out what was being said. In both fear and curiosity, I placed my head into the hole.

One voice became many and they were too loud. Through the cacophony of sound, I chose one and tried to focus my attention. This was the voice of a woman and filled with the gentle attitude of motherly affection and yet I could not help but feel terrified of it.

The voice had a gift that it wanted to give me. A small thing to it but something unimaginable to a child. She wanted to bring my toys to life while they were in the woods. She wanted to give me friends and fun and adventures that no one could compete with. All that she asked in return was that I bring her things.

Without knowing anything more, I shouted “Yes!”

Her first offering was a strand of my hair.

I write this now because I can not pay her most recent request.

Over the years, my toys evolved. They grew more daring, more dangerous, and from time to time I found them bringing the First Tree animals or gems. I would wake in the night to see Pooh Bear, my best friend, dragging a racoon into the Hundred Acre Woods.

As a child, I couldn’t fathom what she wanted them for. Perhaps a coat, if she had a body. Or was she a spectral emanation and wished only to feel the warmth of other creatures. It was obvious that she was tethered to her location in the First Tree. Perhaps she wished to know what things outside of her vision looked like.

I did not know.

Pooh’s evolution took ten years to complete. By the time I was in my early adolescence, he was five times larger than when I originally brought him to the First Tree. His hands were stained red and I assumed it must be from the mud or tree sap. Perhaps all of that honey.

Piglet has vanished. Rabbit has begun collecting the ears of things he discovers. The ears of people have started to appear in his garden. Eeyore has laid down and splayed his belly open, silently waiting for animals to step into his insides for warmth before he snaps it shut. He rarely moves.

Tigger is the most terrifying. No longer the fun-loving tiger with the bounce, his tail has become a tentacle of sorts. His limbs have become entirely useless and shriveled as he uses his formerly glorious tail to wrangle food and things into his jaw.

If I aim a light into the woods at night, I can see him swinging between the trees.

The voice in the First Tree has sent Pooh to my home to collect her offering. Over the years, I have brought her dogs, cats, and even robbed cemeteries on two occasions for fresh corpses.

Today she asks too much.

“Christopher,” my old friend’s voice echoes through the house as my family and I huddle in the corner of my closet. “Christopher Robin? Mother only wants to meet your daughter. Bring her to me please?”

Tigger’s voice, gnarled by age and something darker, joined.

“Yeth, Chriftopher Robin! Bring uth your daughter. Come on, chum! For old time’th thake.”

NaNoWriMo Update

NaNo has been off to a great start this month.

The last few years have been about using NaNo to finish works that were in stasis, and this month started off similarly. I’ve been working on a Broken Nights short story for a collected works anthology and when I started NaNo that story had no third act. Luckily enough, NaNo’s first three days gave me the oomph that I needed to get that story done and it has since been sent to the editor of the upcoming Anthology. Stay tuned for more information on that book and when it is coming out. If you’re interested in reading the first draft of that story, it’s up on my Patreon.

After the Broken Nights anthology story was done, I was able to jump right into the next and entirely new project.

So, I started off 3 days behind on this project, but I feel like that shouldn’t be a problem. The new project is something that was born in the mind of my brother, Michael. He has never been a Lovecraft guy but we talk a lot about the structure of my stories and he tends to love my Andrew Doran shorts, so he decided that this would be the year he would read Lovecraft. He is now more versed in it than the passive fans out there. The day he had finished his collection of Lovecraft stories, he came to me with the idea that became my NaNoWriMo project.

If you’ve read Drew Hayes’s Super-Powereds, it’s going to be a lot like that. If you haven’t, than Harry Potter would be a good reference as well.

The story is only the first book in a series we have general notes one. The first book is Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101 and follows 5 students who get random scholarships to attend the famous Arkham school. As it turns out, Miskatonic University is the tack holding our reality in place and someone is trying to unmoor the school. An old book holds the key to saving reality: 5 kids, scions of their heritage, must be brought to the school and embrace who they are so that their bloodlines can be used to restore reality’s permanence. The alternative is invasion from every hellscape imaginable.

Anyway, I’m on chapter 2 now and the Patreon has that and The Esoteric Cavalry novella up. Soon it will have the Broken Nights short on there as well. So, if you don’t want to wait for a lot of fun Mythos and superhero stories, get on over there and take a peek.


Regular Release Schedule

I just put the first chapter of the first Esoteric Cavalry novella on the Patreon page.

The Esoteric Cavalry was talked about a lot in book 3 of the Andrew Doran Series, Andrew Doran and the Scroll of Nightmares. The modern remnant of it is integral to Andrew’s newest adventure and we talk a very small amount about how they were founded.

That’s where the novella and the novel will be coming in. Hiram Cartwright and his brother Buford travel the untamed west and bring peace to the new world as it is assaulted by the supernatural. They’ll recruit new allies and bicker like only brothers can. Gunfights and monsters and more.

The Patreon page will have see weekly drops of new chapters that I am working on, unedited and straight from my keyboard to your eyes. There are also digital files provided. If you’re a fan, but don’t have the ebooks, just being a patron can get you any of the ebooks you want and you’ll get first dibs on the digital files of the new books that are written too.

After the Esoteric Cavalry novella is done dropping on Patreon, I’m already getting prepared to release a new Broken Nights novella, then we’ll be having a poll where patrons can help me decide on the next story that I write, including finishing Satan’s Salesman 2, a story I’ve been working on with my brother called Miskatonic University: Elder Gods 101, and Wicked West – A Western LitRPG Adventure.

Anything that I have to release, I will regularly do so on the patreon.

The “Team Guardian” tier gets you all the stories as I type them at just $3/month. Subscribe and get more stories faster than through the standard “write, edit, publish, repeat” method and help be part of the creative process by talking to me in the comments!


Just had a fun idea about how to get into LitRPG, which I read a lot of but never have been interested in writing.

My problems are several. I enjoy the worlds of D&D but I don’t know them well enough (or want to do the proper amount of research) to properly write a LitRPG world based on those rules. Then there’s the setting. How would I get someone into the game?

That’s when an idea struck me that also helped solve my “the rules” problem.

I already have a character who lives in an entirely digital world.

Amy Night from the Broken Nights series is an entirely digital person. I can set her up in a potential future where she offers to digitize people who are about to pass away. They can live out their digital eternities in games, browsing the internet, or in entirely fabricated computer worlds of their own designs.

This will let me drop random characters into random games.

I’ve already started piecing together the first story. Wicked West, a LitRPG based on Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that I’m fairly addicted to. Of course, I’ll change everything to make it a unique experience but the story idea is basically a western with modern terminology and leveling up game rules.

Of course, this is for after the current upcoming projects.

Update: October

Hey Matt!


Why isn’t Satan’s Salesman 2 done yet?

Great question. Here’s a not so great answer: I got distracted by projects that were way more fun.

Satan’s Salesman 2: The Devil is in the Details, is around 36k words, and looking to round out at 50k. Unfortunately, (fortunate for me) my co-conspirators have all gone above and beyond in providing me with exciting and fun work.

We started doing the anthologies/crossovers a few years ago and they have just been such a fun way to work with like-minded writers and build on our individual worlds with a speed that is exciting. From that, David Hambling and several other co-conspirators I enjoy associating with have come up with a few more anthologies this year. After Tales of Yog-Sothoth and The Book of Yig came out in April, they just didn’t want to stop, and neither did I. We are working on two more Lovecraftian anthologies right now. Then there’s the superhero world. I had intended to be much further along on Broken Nights 3, but along with Satan’s Salesman 2 taking a backseat for the anthologies, Broken Nights 3 was backseated for an upcoming superhero anthology. More Broken Nights stories are coming, just not book 3 yet.

Then my brother went and became an amateur Lovecraftian and joined me in a love of the arcane after reading the majority of the standard Lovecraftian stories. That was a supercharge I hadn’t expected, and out of nowhere my brother came at me with a great story idea. If you’ve read Drew Hayes’s “Super-Powereds,” then think of that, but with college kids whose fates are intricately tied to Lovecraftian Lore. Already plotted out, and already started being typed. We’re thinking of putting the chapters up on Royal Road. Stay tuned.

That’s a lot of projects, and Satan’s Salesman 2 and Broken Nights 3 aren’t off the table, just delayed. Projects with other people involved tend to take precedence over my personal projects.

I’m looking to have the two of the anthologies done in the next few weeks. Then I’ll inform you if I plan on doing the collaboration with my brother or Satan’s Salesman 2 next.

Per usual: Stay Tuned.